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Premenstrual syndrome and acupuncture


By: Cecile Moreau

According to Western medicine, PMS is a collection of physical and emotional symptoms occurring 5-7 days before your period (sometimes up to 14 days). The syndrome ends with the onset of...
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Different breathing techniques and their impact on stress management and emotional balance


By: Clinique altermed

1. Abdominal breathing (Diaphragmatic breathing) : This technique encourages deeper breathing by engaging the diaphragm, a muscle located beneath the lungs. When you breathe abdominally, you allow...
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Bronchiolitis and respiratory physiotherapy

Osteopathy Masso-kinesitherapy

By: Clinique Altermed

Your baby is having difficulty breathing, suffers from congestion in the airways and his lungs seem congested. The symptoms observed are "crackling" noises in your child's breathing... these noises...
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Lymphedema description and treatment  


By: Sibylle Frey

Lymphedema is a chronic disease that can cause complications if it is left untreated. When the lymphatic system is damaged or poorly developed, it cannot fulfill its function of transporting lymphatic...
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New naturopath in the Plateau - Nuriya Dambricourt


By: Nuriya Dambricourt

Nuriya Dambricourt grew up in Russia, in a family of doctors practicing the integrative approach. She studied Economics and Corporate Finance in Kazan, then in Paris. After working for several...
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The benefits of herbalism on xenoestrogens

Naturopathy Nutrition

By: Sarah Maria Leblanc

Les perturbateurs endocriniens : c’est du sérieux! Connaissez-vous les perturbateurs endocriniens? Avez-vous déjà entendu parler des xéno-oestrogènes? Malgré le fait que leur effet nocif est...
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Sexual disorders in men: osteopathy to the rescue! | Alain Barriol, Osteopath D.O.


By: Alain Barriol

Did you know that only 22.2% of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction consult a doctor or other health care professional? (1). Impotence, erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, erectile...
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What is naturopathy?

By: Julie Choquette

What is naturopathy? Naturopathy is an alternative approach to health with its own philosophy. Operating on a different logic from conventional medicine, it is often an excellent complement to the...
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"Have you done your homework?"

By: Christelle Gall

"Have you done your homework?" Or how to support our child without interfering with their independence. Parents play a very important role with their child during homework and lesson time. They will...
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New tutoring service in NDG - AlterEduc

By: Christelle Gall

The clinic opens its doors to a school support service in the NDG borough.  Located in the center of an interdisciplinary clinic, students will be able to benefit from the services provided by our...
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Osteopath, baby and osteopathy


By: Brice Gagliardi

Every birth should be followed by a careful osteopathic examination Childbirth can be the first trauma for the baby.Too long or too short, it can disturb the normal functioning of the cranial...
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Sport Massage


By: Daniel Godin

Sports massage at the Altermed Clinic is above all a therapeutic massage. Its objectives are precise, and the depth and pace of the techniques allow for the evaluation and correction of body...
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