The links between stress, its hormones and posture | Izaak Lavarenne, Masso-Kiné
Masso-kinesitherapy Stress is a concept that has become ubiquitous, both in our conversations and in our lives.
The public is now aware that particularly prolonged or acute stress has harmful effects.
Posture, too,...
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Breathing | Izaak Lavarenne, Masso-Kiné
Masso-kinesitherapy Everyone can breathe, right? Wrong! At least that's what many say and I would tend to second that.
It's not that people can't breathe, it's that very few of them know how to breathe properly.
So how...
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Osteoarthritis of the hip or coxarthrosis | Carl Pelletier, osteopath
Osteopathy Affected population and risk factorsCoxarthrosis affects both men and women and its prevalence increases with age, with a more feminine recrudescence after 55 years of age.
xxIt affects more than 45%...
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Head protraction | Izaak Lavarenne, Masso-Kiné
Masso-kinesitherapy There are many posture defects, which can sometimes make it difficult for someone who wants to educate themselves on the subject without being overwhelmed by its complexity. Well, today I suggest that...
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Can intuitive eating help me? | Lisa Rutledge, Nutritionnist NDG
Les concepts d'alimentation intuitive et de pleine conscience ont connu une énorme popularité ces dernières années.
Ces nouvelles façons de concevoir la nourriture et l'alimentation sont très...
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How the different types of stretching work | Izaak Lavarenne, Masso-Kiné
Masso-kinesitherapy The search for the perfect body is becoming more and more obsessive in our society. We are looking for an advantageous silhouette, of course, but more and more disillusioned with the relevance of an...
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Intuitive eating is more than savoring every bite | Lisa Rutledge, Nutritionnist NDG
Intuitive eating is more than savoring every bite
You’ve probably heard about intuitive eating or mindful eating. Unfortunately, since they are hard to describe in a sound bite, you likely have...
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Are SMART goals the answer for successful habit change? | Lisa Rutledge, Nutritionnist NDG
If social media and health “gurus” (I use that term lightly) are to be believed, it seems like all you have to do is want something hard enough and set a SMART goal in order to achieve your...
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While for many, fall is a time of joy and wonder at the blazing colors and abundance of late harvest, for others, it is a time of low morale and loss of energy.
Indeed, it seems that many people,...
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