Dad, mom, I like being on the floor!
The floor is undoubtedly the most interesting place for the baby during playtime. The resistance offered by this floor allows him to feel his body and his movements.
The first two months of his life,...
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"Why are you touching my stomach when my back hurts?"
Osteopathy I often hear this question in the clinic. Is it legitimate?
Why almost systematically does an osteopath touch your stomach and work your intestines when you come for pain such as sciatica or acute or...
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - By Anahite Asfhar, Nutritionist/Dietitian
IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS)Bloating, profuse flatulence, abdominal cramps, constipation, diarrhea, ...Are these symptoms a little too familiar to you? Maybe you suffer from the syndrome ofthe...
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Difference Between Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Psychotherapy, an activity practiced by psychologists and other licensed professionals.
Psychotherapy is psychological treatment. It aims at changes in attitude, behavior, habits, way of thinking or...
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Ankle sprain: what to do and when to consult?
Physiotherapy Twisting your ankle happens quite frequently. Sometimes it is quite commonplace and it is possible to continue your activities immediately.
On the contrary, it could be that the pain is very intense...
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Seasonal Changes - The Earth in Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture Theory of seasonal changes in Chinese medicine
天 人 合 一 Tiān Rén Hé Yī :“Man and Sky are one”
This is one of the oldest sayings in Chinese medicine. Several meanings can be...
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Discovering seaweed!
Naturopathy The composition of seaweed can vary from one variety to another but they are all rich in iodine, zinc, calcium(1), iron, magnesium and mineral salt. They also provide a good supply of amino acids,...
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The ABCs of Lymphatic Drainage
Masso-kinesitherapy The existence of the lymph has been known since 1654, thanks to the work of the Danish physiologist Thomas Bartholin. This colorless to whitish liquid has the function of nourishing and cleaning the...
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Trigger points and massotherapy
Masso-kinesitherapy What is a trigger point ?
Trigger points are hyper-irritated points that can be found in any skeletal muscle in the body. These points can be palpated in tight muscle fibers and can radiate pain in...
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Osteopathy and pregnancy
During pregnancy, the woman will experience some physical and mental changes. Indeed, changes occur at the postural, visceral and emotional level. We will underline in this article how the osteopath...
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Massage therapy and sports injuries
Masso-kinesitherapy What is a muscle ?
A muscle is a bundle of fibers that have the ability to contract and relax and allow movement.
There are 3 types of muscle in the body: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac...
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Massage therapy and touch
The soothing and healing properties of touch are well established. Spontaneous gesture when a child is injured or when a loved one is going through difficult times, it has also become, over time, a...
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