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The Trager approach 


Clinique Altermed

Osteopathy Physiotherapy Masso-kinesitherapy

" ... It is very difficult to write about perception and receptivity

which are the essential conditions of my work.

It's not a technique or a method, it's an approach. "


According to Dr. Milton Trager, every experience an individual has is recorded in his or her unconscious and programs his or her current being. In fact, sensory stimuli, emotions, attitudes and thoughts are intimately associated, from a neurological point of view, with the motor responses of the body.

As soon as an event awakens an old memory, the body reproduces the movement according to the data already stored. Thus, the tensions stored in the unconscious are consequently reflected in the physical body.

Any limitation of full self-expression maintains and reinforces these patterns while provoking psycho-corporal compensations. These manifestations support one's own limiting ideas of self, thus creating a vicious cycle.

Dr. Trager perceives the unconscious as a data bank from which one can draw and feed on sensations. Nothing is erased in the unconscious, but we can relegate negative memories to the background by replacing them with pleasant sensations. Thus, the experience of a state of well-being attenuates these negative memories.

Addressing the unconscious in this way provides us with an effective means of intervention that touches the source of psychophysical problems. This is why the Trager approach does not aim to move muscles or joints, but to transmit pleasant sensations to the unconscious, without force, pressure or constraint. This, with the maximum of comfort so that these sensations penetrate the sensorimotor system connecting the brain and the muscles.

In short, here is a simple question that illustrates this:

"If we learn to love through demonstrations of love, why shouldn't we learn to be well through experiences of well-being? "

This is what the Trager approach offers us.


" ... Until you have experienced it, it is only words.

After trying, words become useless.

Words are important only insofar as they stimulate the desire to try the experience. "
