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Ten tips to help you overcome an eating disorder 


Clinique altermed


Ten tips to help you overcome an eating disorder 


1. Information detox

Start fresh by unsubscribing from FB groups,

newsletters, magazines, apps that are nutrition/fitness

related so that you can listen to your true self and start

the recovery process.

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2. Keep a gratitude journal

Keep a gratitude journal and write 3 beautiful and

positive things about yourself (not related to restriction,

exercise, your weight or anything that supports the

disordered eating behavior).

­ Examples: I like my hair, I love my art class.

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3. Set small goals

For all the tips mentioned here, list them in order of

simplicity and set small goals to accomplish one idea at

a time and to congratulate yourself for every success.

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4. Stop using numbers to judge yourself

The bathroom scale is not the judge of your worth.

Get rid of the scale, or try to limit the

number of times you jump onto it.

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5. Stop eating ‘diet’ foods

‘Diet’ foods promote a restrictive mind and guilt/shame. Opt for whole foods.

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6. Schedule regular eating times

Our mood is very closely linked to our blood sugar levels.

Ensure that you are bringing nutrients into your body at least every 3 hours.

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7. Distract yourself after eating

Don’t let your mind go into guilt mode after eating.

Get out of the house, talk to a friend, try to bring in

any activity that helps distract you from food.

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8. Identify your emotional triggers

Understanding what ‘feeds’ your eating disorder behavior is key in helping you find other

healthy mechanisms in order to recover from this illness.

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9. Do 1 thing daily that makes you happy

Bringing in a happy activity is a great mood lifter and a great step

to help you cut your ties from your eating disorder behaviors.

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10. Reach out

An eating disorder is nothing to be ashamed of.

Asking for help is hard, but it is harder to live with an eating disorder your whole life.

Talk to someone, there is help.
